Urgent Appeal!

Day 481, 02:58 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka
Turks and Iranians are seeking to take over eIsrael by force!

They intend to do this through stealing the party elections!

eIsrael needs the help of it's great friends the eCzech people!

What can you do? Remember how brave Czechs helped save eSerbia from political takeover, well today we must do this for eIsrael - Save your vote: come over to eIsrael and vote for a genuine eIsraeli in one of the political parties.

Please read more details of who to vote for here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/iran-and-turkey-try-to-make-political-take-over-help--754400/1/20

Am eYisrael Chai!

Franz Kafka
(CEO Libertas Foundation)

(vote this up so maximum number of people read it!)
(can someone offer me a Czech translation?)