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A Pox Upon My Face

25 Dia 2,265, 17:54 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

"When everything looks bleak and dreary a lone man takes notice. Only one should be allowed to live. Whom ever it shall be only one shall become a legend."

As we head into elections a great truth has been hidden and largely ignored. … mais informações »

[KK4CP] Nothing Else to Say

4 Dia 2,265, 06:06 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

With nominations having to be completed by the 2nd I guess I need to put something forth, a platform of some kind, it's expected I guess. So allow me to unveil my plans for February to those who may so be gracious as to nominate me.


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[KK4CP]The Gordie Howe Hat Trick

21 Dia 2,236, 14:18 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The Gordie Howe hat trick. It's ok if you don't know the term. But I'll make one happen.

I'll keep it simple, a gordie howe hat trick is posting all major stats in one game. You must get a goal, an assist and a fight in one game. It's actually

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[KK4CP] An Overview

39 Dia 2,233, 07:03 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

So heading into the final nomination period that ends on the second, it is normally good to put forth a grand policy page of what your gov't intends to do. The reality is it's going to look rather bland and for that I apologize, however it is to be

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[KK4CP]Theft and Security

22 Dia 2,229, 07:47 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Home from the christmas break it's obvious some news has happened, a story we are all to familiar with. Treasury thefts have always been a part of this game unfortunately and dealing with them are a laboursome chore. I been there, dealt with them

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