A Pox Upon My Face

Day 2,265, 17:54 Published in Ireland Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins
"When everything looks bleak and dreary a lone man takes notice. Only one should be allowed to live. Whom ever it shall be only one shall become a legend."

As we head into elections a great truth has been hidden and largely ignored. Evidence usually get's buried. This is the way, the way it's been and the way it's been meant to continue. Tonight I break the circle of lies. The evidence I proceed with are choices but there is more, this was the most obvious and presentable.

Pastes have been edited for time but not wholly, where a script begins nothing is editted inbetween till it cuts off, only starts and ends were chosen. You can request full files if you wish and they will be provided, if you like the asking about your mom and kitten bits.

At the moment you will see MUFC run uncontested, but really? The greatest screwup in Irelands history with bad alliance choices and almost destrying Ireland in the process after he left. Seems so a this rate. Let's review.

Never Happened

Never Happened #2

Never Happened #3

Now as we can all agree, nothing has ever happened. Somewhere inthere lies some broken promises though, funny when some start to notice them. I'd presume it was nothing but then you begin to see the new crack before it even starts. It's mad quite really. Regardless those desicions aren't mine, they are yours. You will do what you see just and that is all I can ask.

He shook the bible in my hand and I left it in the sand
And I pulled away from land as I sailed

Kaptain Kidd