[KK4CP]Theft and Security

Day 2,229, 07:47 Published in Ireland Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Home from the christmas break it's obvious some news has happened, a story we are all to familiar with. Treasury thefts have always been a part of this game unfortunately and dealing with them are a laboursome chore. I been there, dealt with them and luckily was able to recover a large amount of the money stolen. As CP at a time like that I even used my own credit card to cover short term country financial obligations that took 6 months to be repaid, but so be it, it was my choice to deal with it however was in my power. Regardless it is not a situation I wish on anyone.

I bring it up as part of my campaign now, however this conversation had happened and been accepted before christmas. With an event like this fresh on everyone's mind it is worth mentioning. Appleman as a longstanding MoF, and time honoured as proven trustworthy, will remain in that position. I told him straight out I want nothing to do with the MoF, it will be up to him to run it. It may seem like a small thing but yes, I never want to touch a dime of the countries money.

My last term as CP was also run this way and it was never a problem. In the one instance where I wished extra money for military spending for an important battle, I gave congress the amount and requested the funding just like anyone else would to be transferred, I never knew the password for a single org, and it didn't bother me.

The topic may be pointless to bring up, but those who worry about who might have control of the purse strings I'd like it to be clear. I do not want access to the countries accounts, I prefer they remain in the hands of the same person who has cared for them for the last year. Our treasury will remain protected, even from myself.

(Edit: Appleman has normally held sole possession of the accounts anyway but it's still good information to know.)

Kaptain Kidd
2x CP
1x VP
1x Chief of Staff
1x Supreme Commander
4x PP
10x Congressman
Former SF supply officier