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[BS] An Opportunity for Pakistan

16 دن 2,212, 04:28 Published in Pakistan Pakistan جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے

Hello, my friends,

I am understand the feeling of many fellow citizenships of Pakistan, when they flame the people against China. Giving up some of our regions is not the best scenario for us or … مزید پڑھیں »

[BS] Serbia Hates Sharing

27 دن 2,206, 07:27 Published in Poland Poland جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے

Yesterday, I posted an article with a big question: now that Serbia is officialy demanding, will مزید پڑھیں »

[BS] Serbia demands, will Spoland retreat?

87 دن 2,205, 08:11 Published in Poland Poland جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے

The world is changing. We all know how does it work. It starts with rumors and it ends with new aliances, new MPPs, new wars, new enemies.

Polska and Spain signed a [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/مزید پڑھیں »

[BS] Analisando os Últimos Updates

13 دن 2,198, 14:13 Published in Switzerland Switzerland معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

Olá, pessoal!

Nos últimos 12 dias, tivemos duas mudanças promovidas pelos admins que, ao que parece, mudarão completamente a dinâmica do eRepublik:

1. A adição da medalha de Freedom Fighter, … مزید پڑھیں »

[BS] Império & Determinação

25 دن 2,191, 10:35 Published in Switzerland Switzerland معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

Olá, pessoal!

Semana passada tivemos um update muito ruim para países que hoje se encontram sob domínio de outros, pois parte de suas arrecadações começaram a ser coletadas pelos países invasores … مزید پڑھیں »