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The failures of the failed establishment

35 Day 5,326 ,13:55 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear Patriots,

While the enemy is creating a trolling group. We will be productive. Instead of creating a fake group, we will assess why the failed establishment is well a failure and what should be done to make Swiss a better eNation.


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Civil War funds

44 Day 5,323 ,12:15 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear Patriots,

We are declaring war!!! The failed establishment has failed us. They must be defeated. They are making us a laughingstock. They are ruining our democracy and pride. They benefit while we suffer. They silence us but we fight back.

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The Failed Establishment

23 Day 5,322 ,16:26 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear Patriots,

We are declaring war!!! The failed establishment has failed us.They must be defeated. They are making us a laughingstock.They are ruining our democracy and pride. They benefit while we suffer. They silence us but we fight back.

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Declaration of war

25 Day 5,322 ,09:13 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear Patriots,

We are declaring war!!! We gave peace a chance but boredom is affecting us all. So today I commander Tef1 declare war on our enemy - boredom.

Lets go win.

Lets defeat the failed establishment of eSwitzerland.


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Should I be back?

11 Day 5,269 ,14:48 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Dear Patriots,

I am thinking to be back twice a week. Should I? Let me know.


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