Амбијент укључен/искључен

[GOV] Donate to the state/Take 2

5 Дан 770, 06:33 Објављено у Malaysia Malaysia

Hello Malaysia,

As you know, our treasury has taken a hit recently due to our war with Indonesia. In addition, keeping all the MPPs to guarantee our security costs a lot, with the elevation of the cost of MPP and the change in MPP conditions.

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[GOV.MY] Operation re-gaining PM Started and MPP with Greece

58 Дан 739, 15:49 Објављено у Malaysia Malaysia

Dear Congress Members, Citizen and Allies
After receiving an attacked from the Indonesia yesterday, we had lost 2 regions, Sabah and then Peninsular Malaysia,. Later after several hours we successfully defend our last area of Sarawak, the

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[GOV] Turning Point

6 Дан 738, 18:43 Објављено у Malaysia Malaysia

We only have Sarawak as our region. I would like to ask who still can fight to fight for this battle with highest quality weapons you can get.
If you need to utilise hospital, move to Central Thailand. Ticket will be provided. Contact this
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[GOV] MPP with Mexico and Updates

2 Дан 737, 21:00 Објављено у Malaysia Malaysia

Dear Congress Members, Citizen and Allies,
Today, we have another MPP to sign with Mexico. I'm asking the congress members to vote yes. We’re in negotiation for several MPP so expect more

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[GOV] Vote yes to MPP with Latvia and Poland

2 Дан 734, 22:47 Објављено у Malaysia Malaysia

Dear Congress Members,
Today there will be two incoming proposal to MPP with us to join the Sol Games. After the signing of peace treaty with Latvia a few hours ago, they are ready with to start the proposal. Please vote yes to the proposal.

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