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[EDEN] Rising from the summer slumber

86 Day 979, 14:04 Published in Croatia Croatia

It has been a while since our last article, mainly due to the fantabulous invention of summer vacation. We apologise to the thousands of subscribers for the absence and promise that new articles will be released on a more regular basis from now read more »

[EDEN] An update on the internal structure of EDEN

76 Day 951, 10:01 Published in China China

Taking into consideration that our close friends in China are on the verge of deciding wether to join EDEN, we thought that we should give an updated explanation of the structure, hierarchy, and functionality of the Brotherhood of EDEN. We thought

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[EDEN] The Media Team is recruiting

32 Day 940, 02:39 Published in Poland Poland

Greetings everybody,

As you might have thought writing for EDEN isn’t easy. We have tough bosses who cling on every single word, ranting franticly when you got it wrong… well maybe not, definitely not, but the point I’m trying to make is that not

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[EDEN] The war train is back on track

97 Day 939, 14:52 Published in Spain Spain

Everything went quiet since the epic clash for Liaoning about three weeks ago. After that EDEN gave the responsibility of next major offensive in Phoenix's hands. It took a while, but finally we're into some action! Thanks to Phoenix for read more »

[EDEN] Vodka and falafels

59 Day 933, 14:39 Published in Israel Israel

We posted this article a bit late on purpose, to see if there was perhaps a hidden objective, a last minute roll of the dice that would connect the dots and change everything in our counterpart's strategy. Truth be told, I expected a bit more read more »