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The first private eNewspaper to reach 1000 editions

The first member of the THOUSAND club soon to be eJOINED by Friday the 13TH News of NO Carrier

The "Like a Boss" weekly awards: Bigger bolder and now off the chain

5 Day 2,053, 16:49 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


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22 Day 2,052, 02:10 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Legen😛 ICC : International Cricket Committee

Sometimes we must break out of our eRep bubble and write about stuff that happens in RL. Today I saw the following article my country wont host any major ICC event up and until 2023. A 1O year

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Krakken's count them! 10 fingers on each hand

1 Day 2,051, 03:20 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Yes krakken is a monster a sea monster to be correct,

And he has spades and spades of ANIMAL MAGNETISM

So no Grianne I cannot SHARE the essence of

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Proving to Grainne - I and Viktor is not the same

13 Day 2,048, 01:13 Published in Ireland Ireland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Actually Grianne your being very disrespectful to my cultural heritage by saying I'm the same as another person here. I'm African. Africa is my birth continent: I cut the rest of my ethnic and family history as i dont want your sympathy:

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Like a boss nominee and donut is death : (

5 Day 2,047, 13:38 Published in Ireland Ireland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


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