The "Like a Boss" weekly awards: Bigger bolder and now off the chain

Day 2,053, 16:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken


Today krakken fought with the dragon the dragon threatened that soon oh ye krakken we will be grabbing each other .krakken was confused was this a sexual promise or a threat of violence 0 . o. outside krakkens comrades was pale in the face and saying watch out krakken she dragon be angry today. krakken did not heed the call and nearly gave dragon a stroke by his bold protests


Yes folks its that time of the week again:

The Like a boss contest. Time to bury your silly willies in the sand and stand around the fire of greatness.


Our winners is none other than Simon & Garfunkel: born from romanian heritage the young art wanted to emulate the everly brothers and become a great singer. But how did his fathr come by the name according to legend as
mom and pop was picking a name and she asked him whhat shall we call the young katingawinkle(jiddish for small baby) and watching her cooking(good old days - woman were great in the kitchen then -- oh the fond memories)father farted and she said art thats a great name. too emberassed to correct her father never did and thats how art was named.


.. he practised each afternoon on his wire recorder till he sang

. In school he met up with the young paul simon and they soon formed a band. When they released their first album as Simon & Garfunkel and it didnt lead to the instanteous success they expected as "like a boss award winners" they
packed their bags and said its off to cloudy england we go.


Soon however some folks started liking their like a boss song sounds of silence and back to the land of fried chicken and fat people they went


The rest is history although we should pass at their breakup when they broke up of because of "creative differences" You see the young Paul said I want to travel to foreign lands and make sweet love to our foreign groupies whilst the young art said i want to stay in america and make sweet love to our us groupies.


Poof one went his way and the other stayed.

Also memorable is their taking of Scarborough Fair and saying in a drugged haze this song has too sad lyrics lets pimp this song. wherevy art said lest add canticles and shite.

after they did it they forgot where the song came from and credited the song to themselves.
. Later they would silence many English whinings by saying who is this English Bard fellow you be claiming I stole the song from and can he do canticles. aH HAH if you dont be doing this sing in canticles it is nothing but a borefest and totally not BOSS. Silence now before your english tongue could be causing whole provinces to fall asleep from boredom and multiple deaths to occur.



Kathys Song


leaves that are green

the only living boy in new york

homeward bound

hazy shade of winter

for emily wherever i may found her




paul simon alone



diamond on the soles of my shoes

After receiving the like a boss comment last week daghda went bassasswards and flipped his lorry and now is


Instead our new winner is Viktor Kurgan who is according to Grianne my doppelganger here is a classic KuRgan

zinger to convince her otherwise. Classic


49 Viktor Kurgan Day 2,051, 08:42
Actuslly that number is close to a number of time Grainne asked me to give her a taste of a good meat.
She claims she is vegetarian but when she saw my delicious meat she stuffed herself with it so much she could

not walk i gave her to rest on my bed while i was chasing Columbia..coz Columbia is hot...

and taking one for the team : D

This one is called daghda the frog

and although i received this lovely piece amonsgt my piles of entries of Orangejuicemmm rendition of 'my heart will go on" it just fell short.

Orangejuicemmm my heart will go on

Shite just got real.
