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The first test of NWO - the epic victory of Central Hungary

157 Day 1,171, 16:03 Published in Hungary Hungary

The ink was not even dried on the Serbian-Polish MPP contract, making the new alliance compound contemporary called NWO effective, when Romanian troops attacked from the newly captured Southern Great Plain (SGP) to Central Hungary (CH), the

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NWO is effective - ePoland and eSerbia allied

144 Day 1,169, 04:59 Published in Hungary Hungary


The core of the NWO (the New World Order) was always considered as the TOP3 countries of the New Worl😛 eSerbia, aPoland and eHungary (of course, these three countries are cooperating with eSpain and some other … read more »

Failed ATO in Egypt - Croatians in power beside the Nile

86 Day 1,165, 05:43 Published in Hungary Hungary


25th of this month, there were congressional elections in all countries of the eWorld but Saudi Arabia. In the preceding … read more »

Where to go, USA?

63 Day 1,163, 07:44 Published in Hungary Hungary

As the eUSA is about to capture Northwestern Iran, and rumors say eTurkey is about to join PANAM, there is an interesting possibility.


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Platonic love - my FORUM thread: Why was my article deleted?

28 Day 1,161, 01:16 Published in Hungary Hungary

This thread was close😛

A new one:

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