Where to go, USA?

Day 1,163, 07:44 Published in Hungary Hungary by Nalaja

As the eUSA is about to capture Northwestern Iran, and rumors say eTurkey is about to join PANAM, there is an interesting possibility.

eTurkey nominally boycotted the game - till today. Now, battle for the Black Sea Coast seems to be victorious for the Turks. But if eTurkey cooperates with the eUSA, it is a must. There should be a Turkish stripe for the eUSA, and eTurkey can play as a 'transfer country' through eBulgaria for the Americans. The first target is quite obvious: eSerbia. I can say, they are not admirers of the USA at all. And this is not 1999.

A nice science fiction? I hope it is. However in the present time, every day brings interesting surprises.

ceterum censeo, censuram delendam est