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Everyone smiles when they are with you. Please, from now on, go and help people in my place. Share your happiness with them

RM's go back down, others flux. (Day 1533)

4 Dan 1,533, 19:39 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

[img]http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p603/Leos1111/Day%201533/RMAVG.[/img] … preberi več »

Weapon RM, Salary go up, mostly everything does (Day 1532)

8 Dan 1,532, 19:14 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

I decided to get rid of the pictures, since they take a bit longer to put in 😛


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Weapon Box Contest!

6 Dan 1,532, 12:43 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

I'm holding a Weapon Box Contest/Fundraiser for the Loan System.
Here are the rules:
Only a maximum of 3 boxes per player.

Each box costs 350. That's right, only 350 USD!

You cannot change the picks of your boxes after you choose them (

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Is this the start of a rise of prices? You be the judge (Day 1531)

7 Dan 1,531, 17:48 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

[img]http://[/img] … preberi več »

There will be a report tonight!

0 Dan 1,531, 14:50 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

I'm just informing all of you that I will have the Economic Report. I also have added/change one thing.
I have decided, instead of doing a Weekly Review every week, I would just do the last 7 days, everyday, starting tonight. Because of this, there

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