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Everyone smiles when they are with you. Please, from now on, go and help people in my place. Share your happiness with them

Prices are climbing, ever so slowly (Day 1545 Economic Report)

2 Dan 1,545, 19:10 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Food Raw Materials just won't give up.


preberi več »

(Most) Prices are rising, and FRM = WRM (Day 1544)

2 Dan 1,544, 19:09 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

[img]http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p603/Leos1111/Day%201544/RMAVG.[/img] … preberi več »

Prices are rising, but will it stay? (Day 1543)

9 Dan 1,543, 20:01 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje


I still need suggestions on what else to write/improve the newspaper

And I'm still thinking of adding another country; Go to this article and post what country you want me to also cover: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/preberi več »

Add another country?

18 Dan 1,543, 04:01 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

I'm thinking of maybe adding another country.

What country should I add? I'll take the one most suggested.

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I'm quitting eRepublik.

12 Dan 1,542, 19:13 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

So I'm quitting eRepublik after today, because eRepublik is horribe.

Have I got your attention now? Good.

I was completely kidding

So. I need some suggestions. All this

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