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Everyone smiles when they are with you. Please, from now on, go and help people in my place. Share your happiness with them

FRM < WRM (Finally) (Day 1552)

0 Dan 1,552, 18:40 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

La de da. I'm going to beat around the bush of 1 hour per article, so I can post my Congressmen running newspaper earlier.


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Sorry guys, no report on Day 1551

1 Dan 1,551, 21:56 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

I want to this bowling thing and I got home at 12:30 EST and I'm way to tired to do a report :/

Over and out


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No title tonight :P Lion Loans Update (Day 1550)

3 Dan 1,550, 19:06 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje


So Lion Loans has been temporarily closed for a bit now, but I'm happy to say that either tomorrow, or Sunday night, Lion Loans will officially reopen.
There are some changes that are coming with it, which … preberi več »


2 Dan 1,550, 12:20 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

So, after a temp ban for multies, I'm finally back, and ready to do a report. Report will be later tonight, as always

Over and out


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Some growth, although very little, halts. (Day 1546 Economic Report)

6 Dan 1,546, 19:18 Objavljen vUSA USA Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

[img]http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p603/Leos1111/Day%201546/RMAVG.[/img] … preberi več »