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I don't know what to put here, so the remaining 250 characters will go to enormous, uncalled for, and never-before-seen lengths to give the reader a full, in-depth understanding of my sincere love for our mammalian brethren from whom we take wondrous portions of hearty, bloody, and delicious steaks.

PEACE Failympics: Day 2

10 Dan 678, 13:20 Objavljen vCanada Canada

Day 2

Read http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/peace-failympics-960207/1/20">Day 1 if you haven't yet.

Yesterday we saw the Failympic games start, and we also saw the French take 2 Gold Failures, UK, Indo and the little kids all

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Russia, Stand Up for Yourselves--Россия, пришло время постоять за себя

54 Dan 652, 10:04 Objavljen vRussia Russia

For russian version (google translate, might not make sense): Русская версия:

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The Cracks in Peace Grow

24 Dan 651, 20:33 Objavljen vCanada Canada

The Cracks in Peace Continue to Grow

Yesterday several important things happened. Multiple regions were attacked, and perhaps most importantly, … preberi več »

The Cracks in Peace Grow

13 Dan 651, 20:14 Objavljen vUSA USA

The Cracks in Peace Continue to Grow

Yesterday several important things happened. Multiple regions were attacked, and perhaps most importantly, … preberi več »

What Happened in California.

11 Dan 650, 15:21 Objavljen vUSA USA

I don't really write up newspaper articles that often, but when I do, I tend to have a very good reason for it. Today's reason: California, and quite possibly the worst lagging I’ve ever seen.

Yes we lost in California. Plain and simple. Do you

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