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I don't know what to put here, so the remaining 250 characters will go to enormous, uncalled for, and never-before-seen lengths to give the reader a full, in-depth understanding of my sincere love for our mammalian brethren from whom we take wondrous portions of hearty, bloody, and delicious steaks.

War for Training Wars

6 Dan 716, 12:39 Objavljen vCanada Canada

Hungary is doing their best to wipe out our training war by attacking Slovakia.

Do you all know what we must do now?

ATTACK LITHUANIA[/preberi več »

Peace's Future: Getting Worse by the Minute

9 Dan 715, 15:41 Objavljen vCanada Canada

Could the end be near for Peace?

Of course, and their actions as an alliance will come back to haunt them.


It’s what the … preberi več »

An Epic Conclusion, Too unbelievable to Imagine

29 Dan 714, 13:51 Objavljen vCanada Canada

My friends, today I bring you unbelievable news. When you read it, it will make your insides turn to jelly, and possibly make your entire head explode.

Still want to find out? Well then read on.

In the past few days we have all witnessed

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Too Bad Peace...

11 Dan 713, 12:57 Objavljen vCanada Canada

Well, Peace, I must say you really had me scared for a moment there. I mean, Hungary, Serbia AND Slovenia all against Croatia? I was certain you were going to win…

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PEACE Gets Desperate

22 Dan 712, 14:46 Objavljen vCanada Canada

Today all hell has broken loose.
Croatia is the target of a massive offensive from Serbia, Hungary, and Slovenia. But what does this all mean? Well, I will show you how this all points to 1 thing, Peace is becoming desperate.

1. Croatia has

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