Okolje ON/OFF

Hello dear people in eAustria

4 Dan 537, 06:34 Objavljen vAustria Austria

Less than a week after I bought the company in your country. Here's now you know that I offer one of the best paid in your country. if you want higher wages let me know on my organization. Also sell the cheapest ticket for the price.

I know

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8 Dan 529, 04:03 Objavljen vCroatia Croatia

Evo ih opet!!!!!!!!!!!!

Učitelj vrši eksperiment: stavi glistu u flašu rakije, glista mrdne dva-tri puta i ugine.
Zatim drugu glistu stavi u flašu vina, glista se mrda malo duže, ali i ona ugine. Treću glistu stavi u razmućena jaja i glista se

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1 Dan 528, 23:43 Objavljen vRomania Romania

Translation work!!!!!!

Two policemen are in a patrol car:
- Could you check if the directionals work on your side of the car?
The other policeman looks through the window and says:
- Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no...

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0 Dan 528, 23:40 Objavljen vUSA USA

Translation work!!!!!!

Two policemen are in a patrol car:
- Could you check if the directionals work on your side of the car?
The other policeman looks through the window and says:
- Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no...

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0 Dan 528, 23:40 Objavljen vUnited Kingdom United Kingdom

Translation work!!!!!!

Two policemen are in a patrol car:
- Could you check if the directionals work on your side of the car?
The other policeman looks through the window and says:
- Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no...

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