
Day 528, 23:40 Published in USA Croatia by klkl

Translation work!!!!!!

Two policemen are in a patrol car:
- Could you check if the directionals work on your side of the car?
The other policeman looks through the window and says:
- Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no...
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- Mummy, mummy, does a lemon have a beak?
- No it doesn't my son.
- Oops, so it was a canary that I squeezed.
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- What Bill Gates' wife says him when they make love?
- Bill, you are so MICRO, you are so SOFT.
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- Mummy, mummy, why is daddy swaying in the backyard?
- Shut up, and give me more bullets.
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Two policemen are going to work:
- Shall we take a bus or walk?
- Well, lets see what arrives first.
________________________________________ ________

I hope you smile😛 D

Thanks see you tomorrow