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Thank you Admins.

10 Dan 954, 07:42 Objavljen vSingapore Singapore

Thanks for your hard work.

We the people of eSingapore thank you for ferreting out the PTO wannabes and saving our country yet again.

For Sheldon and his band of merry ethugs.


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Majulah Singapura

21 Dan 951, 18:07 Objavljen vSingapore Singapore

I am short on time so I will be brief.

I have served as your ePresident, Minister of Finance...twice, Commander of the Navy, Congressman ...four times, and a business owner since my first day in eSingapore.
As it saddens me to see the

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Chew Chew Shoe: Misunderstood Genius.

10 Dan 923, 18:06 Objavljen vSingapore Singapore

He has my full support for VP.

Also I quote:

"We all know ChewChewShoe, logan dunleavy's 14 year-old Vice Presidential Candidate. He is known for being the Minister of Trolling, his foul mouth and quick temper"

He is perfect

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El Presidente has entered the building.

8 Dan 915, 18:58 Objavljen vSingapore Singapore

Running for Congress.

Qualifications: Four Congressional terms, One Presidential term.

Vote for El Presidente and stick it to the Man.


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Free Q2 House for one lucky slob.

23 Dan 891, 19:25 Objavljen vSingapore Singapore

Free Q2 house and a weeks supply of food.

You can move out of your cardboard box and into 4 walls and a roof.

Convince me of your love for eSingapore.

No resellers.


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