Majulah Singapura

Day 951, 18:07 Published in Singapore Ireland by Flaco Jimenez

I am short on time so I will be brief.

I have served as your ePresident, Minister of Finance...twice, Commander of the Navy, Congressman ...four times, and a business owner since my first day in eSingapore.
As it saddens me to see the ecountry I love and have worked so hard for being taken by PTO's I have decreed the following.

1. The first attempt to ram a donation to some random org. I will cease paying my workers salaries and instead donate the money directly to them thus bypassing the Treasury and denying the invaders any ill gotten gain. I will encourage the other owners of companies in eSingapore to follow suit. I will encourage the boycott of companies that refuse.

2. The first attempt at raising taxes or any other non discussed proposal. I will use my orgs and purchase food and gifts overseas. I will donate these to the loyal citizens of Singapore and deny the invaders our hard earned money.

3. Any attempt at a Presidential run I see as an act of war. I will use my power to appeal for the invasion of eSingapore. I will use my weapons companies to equip the troops and if neccessary fund the entire exercise with my own money. In short I will burn down my own house in order to save it.

Viva Singapura.

El Presidente has spoken!

Victory or Death!