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Newspaper of eIsrael.

Am Israel Chai Party...the changes!

9 Dan 1,850, 02:38 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Hi Again! We are really close to the elections, and i want to bring some answers!

First, the Actual President of the Party:
When Angie Varona left, the system took the strongest person in the Party and make him the new PP

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New Party will Rise Again

11 Dan 1,849, 01:48 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

New Party will Rise Again

Hi to everyone!

I'm going to postulate for the presidency of the Party that Angie Varona is [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/loj-goodbye-

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I get false acusations. Here some answers.

32 Dan 1,841, 02:04 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Ok, i was acuse by the future CP, K0mu, and his puppet Roni.

So i want to show you, what actually happend....first of all K0mu himself write that im going to PTO (Political Take Over) the Badass Party.

Well, if those words come from someone

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Madness is arriving to eIsrael!!!

34 Dan 1,837, 04:33 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Ok, so a few hours ago we saw a stupid law that i thought it was, of course, no going anywhere., but know this is how we are:

I think that people that vote for YES, they don't

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CM Donations!!! November 2012.

16 Dan 1,834, 03:09 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Finance in poslovanje Finance in poslovanje

Congratulations to all the new Congress Members!!!! You should be proud of your new designation and now you have the obligation to help and improve our beloved country!

The first thing that you could do for that is help the state donationg your

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