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Newspaper of eIsrael.

Serbia is going to Lose! This is the time!

15 Dan 1,893, 04:39 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

It's happenning!

I'm asking for the help of every gouverment to publish and shout this article to help us finaly get out of the Serbian managment of our states!


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No Kneset for eIsrael in January 2013

10 Dan 1,891, 15:51 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Hi to everyone! We all know that the situation in eIsrael is very delicate. We are not going to have Congress election this 25, because we couldn't get back any region.

This means:
- There will be not 200 Gold in

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Am Israel Chai Party!

3 Dan 1,884, 15:39 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

Hi to everyone! First i want to thank to all the people that vote and help us stop the PTO menace. We recover 2 parties, and only one remain under the control of PTOers.

I want also to congratulate to all the candidates and the winners, and im

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Cabinet PK - January 2013

17 Dan 1,876, 02:31 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Politične debate in analize Politične debate in analize

CP : Perfect.Knight
vCP: Tsahi K
MoD : Sandalim, pantherthug89 & Xenophanes
MoF: a Neria & Givati187
MoFA[/preberi več »

How to beat Serbia? - Analisys

32 Dan 1,871, 03:04 Objavljen vIsrael Israel Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Here we have a little analysis:

Current Situation:

This means that eSerbia is in some countries:
-Bosnia Herzegovina

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