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Why I fight VS Croatia

32 Dan 1,641, 03:49 Objavljen vFinland Finland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava


Dear friends,
All will now think that I am a traitor, an enemy, and the like, but I ask preberi več »

New Missons

4 Dan 1,639, 01:23 Objavljen vFinland Finland Prvi koraki v eRepublik Prvi koraki v eRepublik

- +50 Strength
- +10% Rank Points from your objective

- +30 Experience … preberi več »

Buy military unit in Finland

6 Dan 1,638, 11:52 Objavljen vFinland Finland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

I buy military unit in Finland for 20 golds.
Sell MU. PM me!


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The Noah Ark 21 century

1 Dan 1,638, 09:27 Objavljen vFinland Finland Družbeni stiki in zabava Družbeni stiki in zabava

his is one man’s answer to the threat of Global warming. The 21st century Noah’s Ark if you like, called a Lilypad. Award-winning architect Vincent Callebaut has designed a self-sustainable "Lilypad City" as a long-term solution to the problem of

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10 Dan 1,637, 09:45 Objavljen vFinland Finland Vojaške analize Vojaške analize

Friends, I have always been a realist. I have always been fairly good at predicting outcomes and analyzing the situation before me. I like to take the time to listen to others and form a solid opinion on a topic before jumping to a conclusion. So

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