Day 1,637, 09:45 Published in Finland United Kingdom by Pargali Ibrahim Pasha

Friends, I have always been a realist. I have always been fairly good at predicting outcomes and analyzing the situation before me. I like to take the time to listen to others and form a solid opinion on a topic before jumping to a conclusion. So today I sat down and took a look at the world map. I do not like what I see, not one bit.

Now granted, we have all our bonuses. But have you ever thought about the implications of our actions? We could be doing more harm than good with our guaranteed "negotiated upon" bonus deal with Spain.

Let me explain.

The above image is more important than this. Why you ask? First of all, why are we derping with Denmark and Loland. The author claims Terra HQ said it was beneficial to "our allies," but I disagree. What would be more helpful to our allies? Helping Greece and Turkey. Once Greece and Turkey are wiped, think about where all of ONE's MPP damage will be applied to. Just think.

The situation in the Balkans is a ticking-time bomb, waiting to explode on our faces.

Your leaders have failed you, at least in regards to foreign affairs.

Over the course of the last few months we have lost the following as allies:

1) Bulgaria
2) Chile

Allies gaine😛 None.

So basically, we've lost a ton of allied support, and this is already considering that ONE alone before this already had more raw firepower than Eden and Terra combined, they are only missing coordination.

The #1 foreign affair mistake committed by the U.S government over the course of the last few months was:

1) Losing Bulgaria as an ally

Why? Bulgaria, was one of the closest allies we had. One of the most loyal and strongest as well, always willing to give a helping hand, without even needing to be asked. I was not here when Bulgaria made the switch from Eden to ONE, but regardless of what happened, Bulgaria will be one of the game changers in the struggle against ONE in the months to come. Bulgaria, Serbia, Fyrom, and Loland, some of the strongest nations in the game, present a grave danger for Turkey & Greece and the rest of Eden, as you can see they are currently sweeping through Eden's lands, and once that is over, you can all expect ONE to be expanding, to the West. The last time America was invaded, all of Eden was wiped, but I recall having significant support from Bulgaria, China, and a few other nations, but this time, due to the foreign affair failures of our leaders, we will be missing more allies and will be even more handicapped.

And to make things worse, take a look at Western Europe. We're losing ground, fast.

Poland has swallowed Germany up, again, Hungary is within French land, Slovenia is occupying Italy, the United Kingdom is poised to liberate its land, Spain is nearly whole (and even has some colonies in South America), and America has several fronts exposed.

The #2 foreign affair mistake was: Negotiating a peace settlement with Spain.

Spain was on her knees for weeks, having no land to call home, no resources, and desperate to come back to the map. But for some reason, the U.S. government decided it best to take the easy route out and negotiate a peace treaty and have safe-guaranteed resources, moreso than take concern for its own safety. By stopping the war in Spain, we've given the Spaniards and ONE time to rebuild, recover, and now we are at risk of invasion from Hungary, Poland, Spain, Mexico, Serbia and Indonesia. Poland could NE Canada, cross through Wales and enter North America, Hungary could NE Canada or France and gain a border with the USA as well, Mexico could be used as a attack route with ONE support (direct border), Spain has a direct border with us, as do the Indonesians. Possibly Serbia, if they continue the war on Italy, they could reach France, then attack USA's regions bordering Spain-France and then they could reach North America as well, and the United Kingdom could also realistically reach the USA. I do not like to make up hypothetical situations, but these are very real possibilities, as proven in the past. With Croatia, Turkey, and Greece struggling to stay on the map, Eden's powerhouses, the next to follow will be Romania, and after Romania who is next? The USA and Brazil. If we were smart, we'd at least would have kept the war on Spain continuing, so then at least we'd have a buffer zone to create strategic landswaps and have one less potential enemy to deal with, but no, your leaders chose to take the easy way out and have assured resources rather than thinking about long-term safety.

This is the situation that we have at hand.

And I do not like it one bit.