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The Dept of Education handles Tutorials, PSAs, and other informational services.

Mentor Program Reboot: Looking for Mentors & Mentees

16 День 1,662, 02:31 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

Are you a new player looking for some help learning the ropes, or perhaps you're new to the eUS and you're trying to find your way … Подробнее »

How To IRC

6 День 1,658, 01:33 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

This is a game where community and communications are key and, if you’re like me, within only a few minutes of starting this game you … Подробнее »

An International Trivia Contest, and Department of Education Update

1 День 1,654, 01:53 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения

Our friends Down Under are hosting an international trivia contest, and the eUS Department of Education would like to encourage all … Подробнее »

Quick-start Guide to eRepulik

16 День 1,650, 03:29 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

The eUS Department of Education would like to thank [IRASIAN for his GUIDE TO EREPUBLIK], and for allowing us to republish it.

Quick-start guide

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Help Wanted, Article Contest Results, & a Chance to Win Free Gold

10 День 1,650, 02:22 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

Help us, help new players!

How did it feel being the new kid on the block? No one to talk to and show you what you … Подробнее »