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The Dept of Education handles Tutorials, PSAs, and other informational services.

To Rocket or Not to Rocket?

14 День 1,681, 04:07 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Военная аналитика Военная аналитика

As most of you know by now Admin introduced a Rocket Factory today. … Подробнее »

Congress: A how to guide

15 День 1,678, 02:49 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

By emdoublegee
Deputy Secretary of Education

So you’ve decided you … Подробнее »

Erepublik Bible: Part One

10 День 1,676, 00:38 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

By RizonPT
Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education

So...this is the first article of a series of six. This tutorial aims to help those who are younger in eRepublik but of course

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Getting Started in the Economic Module

9 День 1,670, 18:55 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

Probably one of the easiest places to hurt your chances starting off in this game is in the Economic module. I know when I first joined the game, the first thing I did was … Подробнее »

New War Module Analysis, and Mentor Program Update

12 День 1,666, 00:51 Опубликовано в стране USA USA Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

Military Module Changes

Division: Level (Experience points range)
National Guar😛 1-24 (0-4999)
Soldiers: 25-29 (5000-24999)
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