Ambient pornit/oprit

Despre ziarul meu

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I don't know what to put here, so the remaining 250 characters will go to enormous, uncalled for, and never-before-seen lengths to give the reader a full, in-depth understanding of my sincere love for our mammalian brethren from whom we take wondrous portions of hearty, bloody, and delicious steaks.

Phoenix's Time May be Running Out

6 Ziua 1,092, 19:15 Publicat în Canada Canada

I have been in this game for a very long time. I was around when Norway was a superpower, when Indonesia owned vast parts of asia, when Romania removed Indonesia from parts of Asia only to later be repelled back. I have seen just about everything, … citește în continuare »

Why Can't We Be Friends

11 Ziua 1,091, 12:58 Publicat în Canada Canada

I realize I may get some trolls here slapping around some more hate and insults, I just hope those commenters are mature enough not to do it, and realize this needs to stop.

How about we stop this madness?

Why is it that every few days … citește în continuare »

Good Luck Reaching the Next Rank

7 Ziua 1,081, 18:59 Publicat în Canada Canada

Now, before you go and get yourself deeply thinking about this, just click that beautiful blue vote button to the left.

Tl;dr version at bottom.


Battles are going on all around me. There’s so many to fight in, yet

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This is a Tad Chaotic

14 Ziua 1,081, 11:55 Publicat în Canada Canada

I awoke this morning to a new message and 9 new notifications, which seemed a little out of the ordinary. Getting one message is nothing special, however 9 notifications is a little over the top. I clicked the message … citește în continuare »

They Were Once Untouchable

11 Ziua 1,078, 15:02 Publicat în Canada Canada

It was once an empire, a powerful one at that. It had amassed a great range of foreign regions which it held for an incredibly long time. It withstood the test of time…mostly. Many tried to defeat it and many have failed.


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