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Level 37 - Little fish surviving in Division 4

23 Ziua 1,762, 08:24 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Analiză militară Analiză militară

So, back in the good old days in Division 3, the rules were fairly easy to understand when it came to battles. The rule of the thumb (currently) was that about 1.5m was the … citește în continuare »

Not the article I was going to write....

28 Ziua 1,760, 13:39 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Analiză militară Analiză militară

Having learnt the hard way, I always copy articles as I go along as eRepublik has a habit of 'refreshing' itself just as you get to the end of your treasured … citește în continuare »

moomoohead - cow of war

40 Ziua 1,757, 10:14 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Unfortunately this article is not about me, hard to imagine, I know. Nor is it some self-serving propaganda dressed in some sort of fluffy do-gooder nonsense that you're all used to or we-can-see-right-through-you-malbekh guff.

This is a about a

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How Poland Works

47 Ziua 1,755, 15:21 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică


Tonight I am fuming. I am fuming because we have made a NAP with Poland. I don't have an issue with a NAP with Poland per se, but the NAP I would have agreed it was on the lines of 'our congress was having a laugh really and we'll

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Another propaganda article on The Malcontents

15 Ziua 1,752, 11:32 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Analiză militară Analiză militară

Hello there. Bit of a bummer being wiped, first time it's happened to me and I've been playing since last December. This is a perfect time to remind players that while the … citește în continuare »