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***MOD Article*** Day 1830 *** LOTS OF STUFF***

23 Ziua 1,830, 13:59 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Analiză militară Analiză militară

Greetings. This is an MoD article, but at the same time it is a reflection of what I think, so therefore you need to take this as being constructive criticism. As … citește în continuare »

***MOD Article*** Day 1820 ***Fight for NL***

38 Ziua 1,820, 15:20 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

My fellow citizens,

We've had a good start to this month with a nice training war against our good friends in Canada, but this TW is coming to an end shortly. In order to provide more entertainment for the troops we are going to participate in a

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***MOD Article*** Day 1819

19 Ziua 1,819, 00:55 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Analiză militară Analiză militară


I don't have access to the org yet for 'official announcements' but this is as good as anything. Just an update in very sparse format, so forgive wall of text.


MUFC/Psych0 as MoD and Ethel as MoFA have both resigned

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Farewell to the best of us

45 Ziua 1,818, 12:39 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment


Tonight I learnt that this individual has decided to quit the game:

Or better known by this image:


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How to use a giveaway contest - free Q7 weapons for all eIrish Citizens

54 Ziua 1,809, 14:54 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Right, time to have some fun, score a few points, a slam dunk and then a mighty rebound in helping the nation somewhat. Nothing gives a better feeling than that I can tell you.

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