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Exciting news!

2 Ziua 683, 15:14 Publicat în USA USA

I just applied to be a Deputy Ambassador to Spain, canada or Argentina.

Whats my plan?
Im going to extend our foreign policy, ill help the Amassador(s) to those countries make sure america shows the hope and promise its meant to show, right now

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Weve got to make Ajay Bruno shut it

8 Ziua 683, 10:31 Publicat în USA USA

Recently Ajay Bruno endorsed my ACTUAL friend woxan, people we all know what hes trying to do, hes trying to ruin this election and woxan with propoganda! We need to tell him to STFU & GTFO

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my platform

5 Ziua 678, 17:55 Publicat în USA USA

America the place of AWSOME

I running for President. Becuase I believe we can do better than weve done in the past. You KNOW we can do better! fathers will whisper in their child`s ears of America. The place of promise and hope.

A little

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I am running for President of the eUS

6 Ziua 677, 20:44 Publicat în USA USA

I am now anouncing my intention to run for President of the eUS, Claire littleton will be my VP if she accepts. Make NO mistake, for most of my term I will be a war time president, but once we get done with Hungary and secure allied lands I offer a

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My title on the eUS forums

9 Ziua 676, 14:01 Publicat în USA USA

Hi recently I claimed the title of eAttorney general of Louisiana. Mainly becaause NOONE else has claimed it, is it ok if I use this title?

Give me your answers and concerns people of Louisiana.
Keep in mind that NO ONE else has claimed this

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