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Im eUS ambassador to Argentina

0 Ziua 691, 14:14 Publicat în USA USA

Thats right, I got the job and will be sending weekly reports to you all! I ve sent a PM to the Argentinian President and we should begin talks in a week or so. Have a great day everyone!

Yono- eUS Ambassador to Argentina

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Stand with Emmanuel

1 Ziua 688, 16:00 Publicat în USA USA

Fellow Party members im standing by Emmanuel Cruise and so should you, he`s the right choice for the party, the right choice for America. He`s been working for us since day one and deserves the chance to serve our party in the high position of Party

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A message from the "Ministry of Homeland security UK"

2 Ziua 687, 15:47 Publicat în USA USA

Ok first of all this is (and I know EXACTLY what im saying when I say this) TERRORISM in its purest form. Second they obviously don`t know the meaning of 'homeland security" meaning you protect the "Homeland", Defense is foreign and keep in mind im

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My interview with Vice Presidential candidate Cerb.

1 Ziua 683, 21:05 Publicat în USA USA

Yono: Ok cerb, thank you for a moment of your time.

Yono: 1) Many presidents and their running mates promise change, how are you two different? What promises have you delivered in the past that would lead the eAmerican people to believe your

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My endorsement

2 Ziua 683, 17:56 Publicat în USA USA

People its been a good run but with me not getting any endorsements things are looking bleak.

No matter what people like Astra Kat G (my so called friend) or others think, I AM NOT A FOOL. I realize im going to lose this election. I realize I

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