Ambient pornit/oprit


12 Ziua 1,114, 10:27 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus


¡MOST DANGEROUS NATURAL ENEMY!citește în continuare »

End of Clone Wars / New raw materials / Kebabs D.O.W

11 Ziua 1,106, 13:34 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus

Today we have a very complete article, because today we have a lot of interesting news.

First of all , i have yo give you a great notice, ¡the clone wars have finished!.

[img][/img] … citește în continuare »

¡Multis Championship!

11 Ziua 1,105, 02:58 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus

[img]http://1.[/img] … citește în continuare »

¡ I have been Illuminated !

3 Ziua 1,076, 02:47 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus

Maybe some of you havent heard about Varnish before.
Maybe some of you only know about Varnish because of Outsmarter`s newspaper " Son Of Varnish"
Maybe some of you know that Varnish is the supreme god in eRepublik, not Dioism, not another heretic

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Pérdida del Algarve y sus terroríficas consecuencias

23 Ziua 1,058, 01:49 Publicat în Spain Spain

Todos creíamos que la derrota en algarve no era más que un suceso anecdótico.
¡ Nada más lejos de la cruda realidad! Miren con sus propios ojos los efectos :

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