End of Clone Wars / New raw materials / Kebabs D.O.W

Day 1,106, 13:34 Published in Cyprus Spain by Gixeska
Today we have a very complete article, because today we have a lot of interesting news.

First of all , i have yo give you a great notice, ¡the clone wars have finished!.

All of us got used to see this images in the eRepublik battlefields, but not anymore.
Since today, the new player cannot grow to level 15 in the first day. A lot of multi-accounts have been deleted and big quantities of bugged gold destroyed. Coffee has gone !

Anyway , there is still a long way to walk until we can say that all the multies has been banned.

The second new of the day, and probably the the most important for all eRepublik is the creation of new raw materiales.

Now, we have some MAIN raw materials:
-Iron, essential for Iron raw companies, 25% more profit productivity in Iron companies and 5% in Weapon companies.

-Grain, not essentil for Grain raw companies ( but highly recommended!), 25%more profit productivity in Grain companies and 5% in Food companies.

-Oil, essential for Oil raw companies, 25% more profit productivity in Oil companies and 5% in Weapon companies.

Some rumors say that saltpeter will be a main raw material in the future.

And we have some secundary raw materials too:

-Fruits, Deer, Fish and Cattle ( and Grain) will provide our food company with a 5% extra productivity each.

-Rubber, Saltpetter and Aluminum ( and Iron and Oil) will provide our weapon company with a 5% extra productivity each.

Cyprus has Fish and Grain as raw materials, so i strongly recomend the businessman in chipre to invest just in raw, concretly in GRAIN.

¡High Cyprus Photo!

Finally i want to say to all of you , that we, Spain, with our Greek allies and hopefully the whole Eden will help Cyprus in the war against Turkey.

¡Blood and Honor!

Yo he visto la lulz ¿Y tu?
I have seen the lulz ¿ And you?