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you're gay agenda

Still singing in the rain...

7 Dia 1,050, 10:36 Publicado em USA USA

Standing in the shower thinking
About what makes a man
An outlaw or a leader
I'm thinking about power...
The ways a man could use it
Or be destroyed by it
The water hits my neck
And I'm pissing on myself...

In the shower
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Pressing forward

17 Dia 1,032, 21:44 Publicado em USA USA

Beginning with my sincerest gratitude towards my supporters and appreciation for my opponent, chickensguys, for running a clean and fervent Party president campaign; I am both humbled and ecstatic for the opportunity presented to serve all beloved,

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Young Americkaans

22 Dia 1,030, 15:22 Publicado em USA USA

Good day,

Notice: All US citizens, as you head to your respective party polls today, it is imperative you cast a well-informed vote. As most everyone is aware, our nation has been repeatedly targeted with Political Take-Over … ler mais »

Gentlemen, don't ask questions...

24 Dia 1,026, 21:48 Publicado em USA USA

Just keep quiet and pay attention.

Today, I stand before you, naked and unashamed, after spending many cold, desolate nights weeping and wandering in darkness. I thought I might make the journey to … ler mais »

495 Days in Emerick's Shadow

7 Dia 1,026, 20:28 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais


j/k, uknoilu

Please go read THIS and [url= mais »