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you're gay agenda

Money for nothing

19 Dia 1,136, 16:42 Publicado em USA USA

$25 USD to the first to leave a comment stating what's wrong with this Christmas baby's profile.

Congrats to Jovan Tekelija! Wins the cash.

According to eRep wiki, users

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a funny thing happened

5 Dia 1,112, 08:15 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

...on the way to the forum.
I see Frost is our new? President. (shocking news!)

so, what else is new again?

/end coma

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The reckoning

2 Dia 1,080, 22:55 Publicado em USA USA

Something glorious is about to happenler mais »


9 Dia 1,072, 12:57 Publicado em USA USA

Theme music? be happy.

Surprise! Another Kongress election review segment

Oktober Kongress elections resulted in six SEES … ler mais »

[OT] Hey, JP

2 Dia 1,065, 07:05 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

I miss you, man

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