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Prague News are Czech conservative newspapers since 2008.

Czech National Bank/Česká Národní Banka

16 Dia 444, 01:41 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

I want make two contracts, A would be more personaly and will become obsolete after creation and B would become law of the Czech Republic. I am open to your suggestions.

Chci vytvořit dva kontrakty, A by byl osobnějším a stal by se … ler mais »

Cabinet and Oath/Kabinet a Přísaha

6 Dia 444, 01:33 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Ministry of Finances/Ministerstvo financí - Radim (CRU)
EN: In previous presidential mandate he became one of most active ministers, I am looking forward to other cooperation with him, especcialy in budget and creation and administration of … ler mais »

Czech Army/Armáda ČR

10 Dia 441, 01:41 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

I have appointed Jan Khysl as Minister of defense, I will contact candidate for newly unappointed Minister of Social Welfare. For both ministres I am planning big tasks. Here is organisation, generals have already been informed by me, commanders and

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Czech football team/Fotbalový tým ČR

1 Dia 440, 03:29 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Before week I got offer

There was some interest, but still unclear to create team. So I have asked organiser Loteriada how many other countries were interested, I got

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Proposal of NAP with Slovakia

9 Dia 439, 15:04 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

So another Non-agression pact template, now with our long-term Slovak friends. They have already agreed with conditions, I post it there to fullflt constutional way.
Dalsi Pakt o neutoceni, tentokrat s nasimi dlouhodobymi prately ler mais »