Proposal of NAP with Slovakia

Day 439, 15:04 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red Duck
So another Non-agression pact template, now with our long-term Slovak friends. They have already agreed with conditions, I post it there to fullflt constutional way.
Dalsi Pakt o neutoceni, tentokrat s nasimi dlouhodobymi prately Slovaky, Uz souhlasili s podminkami, posilam zde navrh abych dodrzel ustavni poradek.

It is through this Non-Aggressive Pact that both the neutral country of Slovakia and the neutral country of the Czech Republic declare that they are true neighbors within the Eastern Block of Europe. This agreement will solidify the idea that both nations adhere to neither attack one another during the coming two month period.

I)If upon the outcome that the Czech Republic or Slovakia violates this agreement the country will automatically forfeit a lump some of 40% of their national treasury AND/OR the nation’s leading bank(s) at the beginning of the period.
1)Example: Czech Republic has 50 Gold and gains an additional 20 gold over the next two months. Czech Republic attacks Slovakia and must pay the 40% of 50 gold and not 40% of 70 gold.
2)The leading bank(s) are the institutions for which the nation’s treasury is kept in another account.
a)Within the time period records must be kept dealing about the donation of the nation’s treasury.
b)If the money has been donated to several accounts it will be counted as a whole and the 40% will be taken from that total.

II)The two month period will begin the day of the signing and countdown from there.
1)If the signing happens within the last 12 hours of the Erepublik day it will last for the remainder of that day and the thirty day period will be added the following day.
a)This NAP will be restarted automatically the following period unless either nation publically steps back within three days at the start of the following thirty days period.

III)If Slovakia or the Czech Republic declares war on either of the other’s Allies (an Ally in this agreement is a nation with a standing MPP with the nation in question) then a lump sum of 15% of the aggressive nation’s national starting treasury will be forfeited to the opposing nation’s.
1)If this does happen the NAP between the two nations remains in tact.
2)The nations will be allowed to fight against one another on their Ally’s soil if so pleased without repercussions of another forfeited sum.
3)The aggressive or opposing nation is still liable to lose an additional 40% of their total national treasure AND/OR the nation’s leading bank in a result of breaking the NAP.

IV)A nation’s PUBLIC aggression towards the other nation will be taken at face value and not deemed reprehensible.
1)An effort to quell negative public opinion will be taken by each nation.
a)Public is in use here as national newspapers or comments in foreign newspapers.

V)Neither country shall impose trading embargoes between the two nations for the entirety of the agreement.
1)If such an event were to happen the aggressive nation will forfeit 10% of their total national treasury.