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[Irule4CP] Foreign Affairs Continued

14 Dia 1,956, 11:01 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Australia’s foreign policy has changed drastically in the last few months alone. Just in January, less than a few weeks ago, we had a treaty with Chile and CoT, our invaders. We’d … ler mais »

[Irule4CP] FA - The Problem/CoT

21 Dia 1,954, 15:44 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Irule777 for Prime Minister

We’re NE’d, attacked and bullied on an average basis. We suffer the abuse and constant annoyance others pose on us. The Circle of Trust has … ler mais »

[Irule4CP] April

19 Dia 1,952, 10:42 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Irule777 for Prime Minister

These last few months Australia has faced more challenges than we have ever before. Through the fire, plenty of strong leaders have risen to … ler mais »

[ARP] PP Final Adress

6 Dia 1,940, 19:13 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Thank you to the Australian Revolutionary Party
It’s been almost one month since I was elected Party President of the Australian Revolutionary Party and today I’d like to … ler mais »

Analysis of Presidents Across the World

13 Dia 1,936, 09:29 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

An Analysis of Presidents Across the World!

As you all know, they're are currently 70 nations on eRepublik, which means every month we elect 70 world leaders. Here's some interesting facts and collections on them in general.

[img][/img] … ler mais »