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[CP] Inaugural

14 Dia 1,964, 06:11 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I want to start this article off with a huge thank you to all the voters who helped elect me President of Australia yesterday. I’m so excited to get started and hit … ler mais »

[Irule4CP] The Wrap Up

7 Dia 1,962, 07:38 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Australians have watched my campaign over the past days. You have seen my policies, you have seen my experience, and now it’s time to decide. Tomorrow, go to the polls and vote for … ler mais »

[Irule4CP] Cabinet

11 Dia 1,961, 10:04 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Irule777 for Prime Minister, Cabinet Release

The official cabinet article. Here's the shortened list of my cabinet.

Prime Minister: [url= mais »

[Irule4CP] Defence

5 Dia 1,960, 12:31 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Australia needs change. It’s a bold and simple fact. The current state of things isn’t working and I’m here to give the nation the change it needs with a new leader.

AMUA and ADFler mais »

[Irule4CP] Domestic Affairs

11 Dia 1,958, 08:23 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Irule777 for Prime Minister, Domestic Affairs

Domestic affairs is usually one of the most non scrutinized departments, however, it’s also one of the most important areas. … ler mais »