Tło włączone/wyłączone

Time For a Sexy Party!

3 Dzień 1,021, 00:34 Opublikowane w USA USA

😁 Best music EVAR!!

Because we all need a break every now and then. … czytaj więcej »


8 Dzień 1,007, 22:01 Opublikowane w USA USA

Invading the RUBOT homeland was spectacular!! But now that it's over and our good friends from EDEN are in the neighborhood, bring on LION KING! Make the Penix cry like the bitches they are and utterly DESTROY their economies.


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A Peaceful 2nd Death

4 Dzień 1,007, 06:57 Opublikowane w USA USA

150,000 people died today. Again.

Let us take a moment to remember all those who were cruelly and artificially granted a 2nd, hollow, existence and then even more cruelly had even that wrested from them in the end.


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PRETTY Rainbow!

5 Dzień 1,006, 12:12 Opublikowane w USA USA

Oooooooooh...Look at the pretty colors!!

Bite it Commie Pigs!

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In Case You Didnt Get The Memo. Vote For Me NOW!!

2 Dzień 1,003, 15:53 Opublikowane w USA USA

That’s right. Vote for me. NOW! No begging for your votes. No pandering to what you think you need. I simply demand that you all vote for me. Now.

Let's be honest, all you

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