In Case You Didnt Get The Memo. Vote For Me NOW!!

Day 1,003, 15:53 Published in USA USA by Calebb

That’s right. Vote for me. NOW! No begging for your votes. No pandering to what you think you need. I simply demand that you all vote for me. Now.

Let's be honest, all you really need out of a congressman is someone who can push the "Vote" button to change your taxes, make MPPs and every once in a while approve citizenship to some dudes you'll never even see. I'm more than qualified for that! I push buttons all the time! I even use the wheel on my mouse from time to time!

Maybe you don't like me and would feel bad about voting for me. That’s OK. I still love you and want you to have the BEST. Me. Or, look for this picture and vote for that equally awesome person instead!

OK's the actual platform in case you can't follow orders:
Issues. Issues. More political jargon. Issues.

Click me😁

Vote for Calebb in Washington DC!
August 25th

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