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Ostin: [Urgent] All eIndonesians Move To eAustralia And Take eAussie Citizenship

47 hari ke 1,008, 08:13 Diterbitkan di Indonesia Indonesia


Ini adalah artikel yang SANGAT PENTING!!!

Banyk warga eYunani, eRomania, eUSA memiliki KTP eAustralia dan berusaha untuk melakukan PTO pada koloni yang kita … baca lebih lanjut »

Happy Independence Day eUkraine

34 hari ke 1,008, 04:20 Diterbitkan di Ukraine Ukraine

Firstly Please Read This:

Erepublik Population Drops Drastically By Almost 40%

Happy Independence Day eUkraine:

After facing

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Ostin : Erepublik Population Drops Drastically By Almost 40%

64 hari ke 1,007, 03:20 Diterbitkan di Hungary Hungary

Plz Rea😛

We Shall Continue To Keep Fighting For Mother eRussia

Erepublik as of today has just 230,000 Citizens.


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Ostin: We Shall Continue To Keep Fighting For Mother eRussia

101 hari ke 1,006, 10:42 Diterbitkan di Russia Russia

“The time comes in the life of any nation when there remains only two choices - submit or fight. That time has now come to eRussia. We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means in our power in defense of our people."

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Phoenix Citizens, Help eEstonia To Get Back Their Govt Org

18 hari ke 1,005, 22:31 Diterbitkan di Estonia Estonia

This is what was stated by the Estonian Pres:

Big amount of our treasury is locked up in organizations Sotsiaalministeerium and

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