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Phoenix Lets Support eTurkey To Add Turkish Language In Erepublik

70 hari ke 1,020, 04:44 Diterbitkan di Turkey Turkey

This was told by the eTurkish President Steoks

You know that Turkey is a country with 80 million population but only 5000 people play this game I want to ask you! Have you ever

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Phoenix Let's Kick eSpain Out From eMexico

36 hari ke 1,020, 00:46 Diterbitkan di Mexico Mexico

Dear Phoenix Citizens,
Lets help out our Mexican brothers. as you all know that their original regions was under the hands of eItaly and eSpain for a long time . thankfully eBrazil wiped out eItaly. but eSpain still

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Day 1018: Huge Day For PHX - eIndia Swaps With eSrb, eUK & eFra Attacks eSpain

50 hari ke 1,018, 20:44 Diterbitkan di India India

Today Day 1018 has been the one of the biggest day for Phoenix.

As many of you know that eSpain has conquered High regions of eMexico and eVenezuela for some time now. so suddenly the eSpanish President , Ramso has decided to rage quit and has

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The Next Battle Ground For Phoenix ----> eSpain

77 hari ke 1,017, 21:30 Diterbitkan di Spain Spain

Read This Also:

Day - 1018 Huge Day For Phoenix - eIndia Swaps, eUK And eFrance Attacks eSpain

Wew this

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SA Titanium Issue Has Been Resolved

63 hari ke 1,016, 01:22 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa

Dear Phoenix Citizens,
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the SA Titanium issue have been resolved.

As many of you know that eSA is Ptoed by Huns+Serb .

There was some issues relating to sharing the

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