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When to get cheap Battle Hero Medals

14 hari ke 1,064, 14:10 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland


Why can my good friend Noggin do 12K damage with food only and I can only do 7K. We both have almost the same rank. She is a 11 Tank and I am a 10 Artilary (I have a second wepaon of 7 in air). Does that make that much … baca lebih lanjut »

Stand up and fight for Freedom

33 hari ke 1,062, 21:30 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Fight for Freedom

Like Ireland Bolivia is a small country surrounded by bigger nations and, though we have great relations with with our Bros, Canada and USA, sadly Bolivia does not have this. They are being bullied by there two big … baca lebih lanjut »

The cost of war

18 hari ke 1,061, 04:30 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

I am going to write a couple of short articles on fighting in this new war module. Not going to write a basic how to guide because a lot of them are out there and are much better then I could do. For this article I just want to talk about how to

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Important VP Measage

15 hari ke 979, 13:41 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Well after a quite few days a lot has just happened. So a few things as VP, (I wanted a quite month, this month). Most government orgs were stolen last night. We have recovered the money from the banc and are still working out what has happened.

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Last Moo Article for a While

22 hari ke 957, 07:04 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Last article for a while. Thank god. Couple of bits to clear off my desk and then hand over the keys to the next guy. Quick story first. A new player wrote me yesterday and said “are you my president”. I wrote back “yes for a day or two”. He

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