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MOO on Irish Invasion Day 2

20 hari ke 1,097, 01:53 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

What happened yesterday

The day started with the UK invading Shannon and Cork. We knew we had no chance against twelve MPP in there time so did not fight in these battles. We lost 0-8 in both. Then is when things get strange. To … baca lebih lanjut »

Moo on Invasion of Ireland Day 1

22 hari ke 1,096, 04:06 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

It will be an interesting four days. I am going to put articles out daily explaining what went on and what we are doing next. The UK is going to be wiped off the Map shortly and obviously they do not like it. They have decided to attack the

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What is going on MOO?

21 hari ke 1,095, 09:34 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

War Update
Well our good friends the Canadians had a bit of tough luck against the English the last couple of days. The English started to feel there normal arrogant selves again so we decided to open up a battle as just a “drain” battle … baca lebih lanjut »

Question time with Moo

18 hari ke 1,093, 12:49 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Thought I would answer a couple of questions from the public. 
Ross from South Dublin asks “Where have you been Moo?  Are you taking lessons from Connell on how to be CP”
Thanks Ross, I had some thing come up in RL and was away for

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MOOving forward CP anouncement

42 hari ke 1,085, 16:22 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

Yesterday was an eventful day. Not going to re cap because there are plenty of articles already done that do that. So let’s make this short and sweet. Below are the cabinet’s posts going forward.


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