Suasana buka/tutup

The Fiscal Solvency Protection Act and Election Day

16 hari ke 2,164, 21:36 Diterbitkan di USA USA Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

This is the second and final article about the work tax, and the Fed/USWP attempt to cut it. Anyone who has … baca lebih lanjut »

To all Independent MUs and the Apolitical

52 hari ke 2,162, 19:51 Diterbitkan di USA USA Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Many of you have given up on the political process. Your reasons no doubt vary, but likely along common … baca lebih lanjut »

The Taxman Cometh

59 hari ke 2,141, 21:42 Diterbitkan di USA USA Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

In the past few days there's been a lot of outcry over the tax hike. The decision to double taxes all done in … baca lebih lanjut »

What Inspires You?

16 hari ke 2,141, 18:42 Diterbitkan di USA USA Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Inspiration is an interesting thing. What inspires some may have no effect on others. I'd like to tell you about … baca lebih lanjut »

[Fed PP] Need Moar Lulz

12 hari ke 2,133, 20:18 Diterbitkan di USA USA Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

We're 7 days into my second term as President of the Federalists, and I've yet to publish an article. This is … baca lebih lanjut »