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Cyprus - Chile MPP

88 hari ke 1,601, 17:35 Diterbitkan di Cyprus Cyprus Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Hello everybody

After a lot of discussion and thoughts in our government, we decided to propose Mutual Protection Pack law to eChile.

We already know that things have changed and eChile chose … baca lebih lanjut »

A small refresh of mind..

23 hari ke 1,581, 06:44 Diterbitkan di Chile Chile Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Hello fags,

i listen to newborn Israelian's comments about Israel win against Cyprus in the trolling Natural Enemy some weeks ago.

They still provoke Cyprus to NE again Israel.

I think it's the high time I teached something to new

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Difference between TEDEN and ONE

20 hari ke 1,580, 07:18 Diterbitkan di Chile Chile Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Two alliances, two rivals.

So, whats the difference of TEDEN and ONE?
The answer is simple: There is no difference

Some … baca lebih lanjut »

[marcelbe-Draever] Reparto de comida y armas

81 hari ke 1,578, 19:28 Diterbitkan di Chile Chile Langkah awal di eRepublik Langkah awal di eRepublik

Hola eChilean friends!

We decided to distribute Weapons and Food to every eChilean!!! From eCyprus with much love!!!

*You must have e-Chilean citizenship
*Your experience level … baca lebih lanjut »

Hola eChile!

44 hari ke 1,577, 08:57 Diterbitkan di Chile Chile Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hola eChileans!

I decided to make eChile my new home, so its time to introduce myself 😉

I am marcelbe, RL Greek but a proud e-Cypriot since the last 8+ months. I come from the famous military group, iNCi aka Owls !

Nice to meet you people

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