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Personal newspaper and communications from PigInZen.

Do You Want to Know What's Going On?

19 Ден 805, 08:54 Објавено во USA USA

Platform Article #4 - Communications

Those of you that have been slogging your way through my treatises on policy and whatnot, thanks. It's not over yet though, not by a … прочитај повеќе »

Voting - Why It's Important

9 Ден 804, 05:50 Објавено во USA USA

I want you to vote. Vote for Josh Frost. Vote for PigInZen. Vote for Joe Newton.

One of the measures of activity is HOW MANY PEOPLE VOTE. Show you're active. Vote on February … прочитај повеќе »

Srs Bsns or How We'll Get Stuff Done

34 Ден 803, 08:22 Објавено во USA USA

I Love This Stuff

Presidential Platform - Organization and Operations in Executive Branch

I'll be honest - I have a Master's degree in information science. Part … прочитај повеќе »

What's gonna work? TEAM WORK!

29 Ден 801, 08:32 Објавено во USA USA

Presidential Platform - 10,000 Fists! Yet Again

First, we interrupt this platform article with a little announcement:

Secretary of State Bradley Reala has accepted my offer to

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Presidential Platform - WarPig Has the Power

102 Ден 799, 18:18 Објавено во USA USA

WarPig Coming to a Region Near You, Phoenix

Let's admit it. After the excitement of this past summer, the United States battling for its very existence followed by our campaign … прочитај повеќе »