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This is Bragge's Newspaper.
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Sky battle report

1 Ден 5,248, 16:00 Објавено во Russia Russia Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Greetings from isolation.
Beeing infected with covid, i had a lot of time and spent it playing in the sky with my friends from the MU Persian Gulf. Was fun, was like:


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Which aim do you have?

2 Ден 5,222, 17:31 Објавено во Russia Russia Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

If this game is endless, what do you think, is the aim to achieve? For you as single player, for your military unit or for your country?


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Some deep thoughts

3 Ден 5,206, 21:34 Објавено во Russia Russia Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Hello there,

It's been a while since i published my last article. Game got boring, so, why should i waste energy for articles? The only fun left for me (and maybe you?) is to show "big" players, that even if the can't be beaten, there is

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0 Ден 5,005, 07:39 Објавено во Russia Russia Наредби за битка Наредби за битка

Hello there,

They ask me to publish another article, so you're welcome (persian Hawk and emran irani), here it is:


A little bit of publicity for their shittyvery good homepage.


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9 Ден 5,003, 03:40 Објавено во Russia Russia Наредби за битка Наредби за битка

Steal all SH-Medals from this guy. He thinks he is powerful with his sh*t MU. 50 000 cc reward. Send PM with screenshot. He wants other players, who don't listen to him and fight for their medals to leave the game. I cannot approve such a прочитај повеќе »